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Club Contacts – TRIUMPH

Club Contacts

Refer to your TRead magazine for a comprehensive list of contact details.

Club Executive Contact Details
President Lorraine Mooring 9652 0664 president@tsoansw.org.au
Club Contact Steve Ralston 0411 755 758
Hunter Contact Alan Watson 0418662114
Membership & Concessional Registration Officer Norbert Nieuwenhuizen 0415207748 membership@tsoansw.org.au
Club Marque Representatives
TR2/3/3ARoger Gates
Allan Wright
0418 112 541
9451 0165
TR4/4ABob Slender
Bruce North
0407 284 548
4297 4917
TR5/6Geoff Byrne0418 409 170
TR7 Grant Turnbull4627 0500
TR8 Peter Yeend
John Stokes
0433 559 216
0433 826 880
Spitfire John Whittaker
Craig Sankey
0425 371 640
0417 286 903
GT6 Geoff Byrne0418 409 170
Stag Lindsay Day
John Stokes
9939 2863
0433 826 880
Herald & Vitesse Tim McGurk0413 227 455
Saloons Mal McFarlane9790 2332
Dolomite Howard Glinn0409 600 078

or you can email our Secretary, Greg Eaton, at secretary@tsoansw.org.au