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TRead Submissions – TRIUMPH

TRead Submissions

Members are invited encouraged to submit stories, reports, photos and post classified in the TRead magazine.

To assist with the smooth publication of TRead the following policies and practices have been adopted and I ask for your assistance following them
1. Articles for publication should be submitted via email in Microsoft Word format.  Font to be Times New Roman and 12 point.
2 Photos are to be tagged with the subject description eg Bill Smiths TR2 at Concours and the name of the photographer.
3 Close-off date is the 25th of each month.
4 Emails should have subject matter heading TRead: Item type eg TRead:  For sale –  TR7.
5 Items for inclusion in TRead should not be in the body of the email but be in a word attachment to avoid retyping.
6 Items for sale or wanted must have the full name of the seller and their contact details and show club member number for verification purposes.
7 Items for sale or wanted are generally limited 5 lines at the discretion of the Editor depending on space. Ads will generally be run for 2 editions. Please advise if item has been sold so ads are not run unnecessarily.
8 Receipt of articles will be acknowledged but publication is not guaranteed.
9 Copyright of original articles resides with the author. In submitting an article for publication in TRead the author agrees that the article may also be published in other state TSOA magazines.

Jeff Breen
October 2018